ePoster Presentation

ePoster Presentation

Dmitry Moiseev

Vitebsk State Medical University, Republic Belarus

Title: Stress testing of drug substances of herbal origin

Submitted Date: 20-7-2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Prashanth D

JJM Medical College, India

Title: Era of herbal medicine and need for its ADR monitoring

Submitted Date: 22-9-2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Kore Sharayu A

Sumatibhai Shah Ayurveda Mahavidhyalaya, India

Title: Future of ancient system of medicines- multidisciplinary approaches in health sciences

Submitted Date: 15-9-2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Vasundhara Srivastava

Amity University,India

Title: Phytochemical Analysis of Some Medicinally Important Indegenous Plants

Submitted Date: 15-9-2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Bujar Qazimi

University SS Cyril, Republic of Macedonia

Title: Volatile aroma сompounds in fresh flowering stems and fresh rosette leaves of mountain tea (sideritis raeseri boiss. & heldr.) From r. Maсedonia

Submitted Date: 15-9-2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Sneha Vinodkumar Rathi

Hi-tech College of Pharmacy, India

Title: Phytochemistry and phytoconstituents of Cassia fistula linn.–“the golden shower”

Submitted Date: 26-9-2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Syeda Maryam Hussain

University of São Paulo, Brazil

Title: Evaluation of Phytochemical analysis in Brachiaria sp. Under Nitrogen fertilization and seasonal influences

Submitted Date: 15-10-2015

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Kumar Sai Sailesh

Little Flower Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Title: Natural therapy for gastritis: Vestibular stimulation

Submitted Date: 16-10-2015

Biography Abstract PDF